Continental European Income Strategy
Generating income from stock-picking in continental Europe
AUM 30.09.2024
Figures are representative and are used here for illustrative purposes only.
AUM 30.09.2024
Figures are representative and are used here for illustrative purposes only.
The Strategy’s investment objective is to deliver strong, long-term risk-adjusted returns to achieve both income and capital growth by investing in companies that are incorporated, headquartered, or exercise a significant part of their economic activities (greater than 20%) in European markets/countries (excluding the United Kingdom).
The Portfolio Manager’s investment philosophy is based on taking advantage of entrenched behavioural inefficiencies. The team views time horizon to be the key source of market inefficiency. This is driven by two key factors – an excessive focus on short-term noise and failure to properly value the duration of excess returns and profits.
The investment approach is to invest in good companies that are out of favour for short-term reasons. Competition for capital is key within the concentrated portfolio approach. There are few truly mispriced stocks – these must be identified and held with conviction. The team only own stocks they view as attractive.
Prior to this, he was with Threadneedle where he managed the Threadneedle European Fund and Pan European Equity Dividend Fund, both of which were top quartile performers since inception. Nick was also deputy fund manager of the Threadneedle European Select Fund. Previously, he was a sell-side analyst at Sanford Bernstein and a chartered accountant with Deloitte.
Important Information: This website is provided for the sole use of the intended recipient and is not a financial promotion. The Polar Capital Continental European Income Strategy (the “Strategy”) is a Strategy of Polar Capital Funds plc which is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities under the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 (S.I. 352/2011), as amended. This website does not seek to make any recommendation to buy or sell any particular security (including shares in the Strategy) or to adopt any specific investment strategy. This website does not contain information material to an investor’s decision to invest in the Strategy. Shares in the Strategy are offered only on the basis of information contained in the prospectus, key investor information document (“KIID”), and the latest annual audited accounts. Copies are available free of charge from Polar Capital at the below address or on The KIID is available in Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. The prospectus is available in English.
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Information Subject to Change: The information contained herein is subject to change, without notice, at the discretion of Polar Capital and Polar Capital does not undertake to revise or update this information in any way.
Benchmark: The Strategy is actively managed and uses the MSCI Daily Net Total Return Europe Ex UK as a performance target and to calculate the performance fee. The benchmark has been chosen as it is generally considered to be representative of the investment universe in which the Strategy invests. The performance of the Strategy is likely to differ from the performance of the benchmark as the holdings, weightings and asset allocation will be different. Investors should carefully consider these differences when making comparisons. Further information about the benchmark can be found at The benchmark is provided by an administrator on the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) register of benchmarks which includes details of all authorised, registered, recognised and endorsed EU and third country benchmark administrators together with their national competent authorities.
Country Specific Disclaimers: When considering an investment into the Strategy, you should make yourself aware of the relevant financial, legal and tax implications. Neither Polar Capital LLP nor Polar Capital Funds plc shall be liable for, and accept no liability for, the use or misuse of this document.
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